Simplifying and De-Risking Big Data Cloud Migrations

A new perspective on de-risking the process.

Friday 19 August 2022 │ 08:45-10:00 BST │ Virtual Roundtable 
In partnership with
LOGO I Unravel White_500x250     LOGO I Appsbroker white_500x250   
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Data platforms which have dominated the market for many years reach the end of support life in March 2022 and this means change is on the horizon for many enterprises.

This marks a significant turning point. Enterprises have no choice but to migrate to something new and many are looking to cloud solutions. Some have already embarked on the daunting task of migrating and for those who have not finalised their plans, time is running short. Yet, the route to migration can be riddled with complexity, risk and high price tags.

To support Nimbus Ninety members on their migration journey, we are hosting a virtual roundtable on the morning of 19 August in partnership with Unravel Data and Appsbroker.


08.45 Welcome and Introductions by Nimbus Ninety

08.55 Building a Unified Analytics Data Platform 

09.15 Cloud Zero to Cloud Hero: A GCP Journey

09.25 Round-table discussion 
  • Explore the most popular migration options and their pros and cons
  • Sign-post common pitfalls and solutions 
  • Identify how to de-risk the process and keep to budget 
  • Define how to safeguard data and maintain business as usual through the migration period 
  • Share first-hand accounts from members’ experiences and from technical experts
09.50 Questions and key takeaways  

10.00 Closing remarks 

firat-tekinerFirat Tekiner, EMEA Data Analytics Practice Lead, Google Cloud

Firat Tekiner, PhD, MBA, is currently EMEA Data Analytics Practice Lead at Google Cloud. Firat is a tech lead and thought leader with over 15 years of experience in designing and delivering bespoke information systems for some of the world’s largest research, education, telecommunications, finance and retail organisations. Following roles within National Supercomputing Services and National Centre for Text Mining, he worked as a senior consultant at Ab Initio software prior to joining Google.



This is a private event for members of our community. Membership is free and takes less than 5 minutes. As a member, you will have access to this and other complimentary events. Learn more.

This event is for 5 C-level, VPs, Directors, Heads, Senior Managers, and drivers of live projects in Architecture, Cloud, Data, Engineering, Finance, Infrastructure, IT, ML, Optimization, Risk, Strategy, Technology, Threat Analyst, Transformation.

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