Leadership Insights on Emerging Technologies and Transformation Strategies Report

Chief Disruptor’s Leadership Insights on Emerging Technologies and Transformation Strategies Report captures the key findings from a year of monthly Insights polls.

The term VUCAvolatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity — has been a recurring theme at Chief Disruptor activities this year. It aptly describes today’s business environment, where constant change is the norm. In this landscape, leaders must juggle competing priorities, evaluate threats and opportunities, and make high-stakes decisions under intense pressure.

Insights with Impact

At the beginning of 2024, Chief Disruptor launched the ‘Insights with Impact’ newsletter to bring timely, concise updates on disruptive trends and technologies. Each edition distilled fresh perspectives from members, offering practical insights and commentary to empower decision-making.

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Over twelve newsletters, members shared invaluable tips and strategies for navigating complex challenges and capturing emerging opportunities. Viewed together, these insights reveal the reality of leadership in a volatile world and provide a practical guide to thriving in uncertain times.

Access our Leadership Insights on Emerging Technologies, and Transformation Strategies Report the results of this year’s polls on themes covering leadership strategies, data, culture, and disruptive technologies including AI, alongside fascinating commentary from members and experts.


Please complete the form to download the Leadership Insights on Emerging Technologies and Transformation Strategies Report.


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