Digital Leaders Insight Series - Part 2 

 Platform Economy 

Platform Economy

"85% of respondents stated that they already had a platform strategy
at varying stages of maturity"


The phenomenon of the platform economy and its transformative impact on the competitive landscape and established brands has gripped the media in the past few years.

Caroline Boyd
Caroline Boyd 
Director of Research and Strategy
VM Ware

Supported by VMware Airwatch

Our most recent research around the impact and implications of the platform economy, dispels the myth that ‘platforms are just for tech companies’.


In fact only 9% of respondents stated that they had no current plans to develop a platform strategy.


The message that platforms are seen as fundamental to success for Nimbus Ninety members was reinforced when members were asked what they thought would happen to their investments in platforms in the next 18 months. The answer to this question was a resounding increase at 56% with only 4% selecting decrease.


When asked to describe their approach to accessing, using and developing platforms, the most popular response was in-house design and build at 51%, followed by off-the-shelf at 40% and joint venture/alliance at 35%.


Caroline Boyd, our Director of Research, said of the results overall, "While many executives are understandably feeling fearful of the new challenges involved in building, managing or scaling a platform, it’s clear from our results that many more are deeply concerned about the threat from those around them, if they do not