Scaling AI: Beyond Prototype To Adoption For Maximum Impact

Friday 4 April 2025 │ 08:45-10:00 GMT │ Chief Disruptor Breakfast Club (Virtual)

The journey to ROI from AI is proving to be far more challenging than first anticipated for many business leaders, and many are discovering that despite significant investment and effort, many AI initiatives fail to scale beyond prototype to production or to generate ROI.

This reality check following all the hype and hyperbole around AI was probably inevitable. What’s straightforward to monitor and control in the safe space of a testing environment becomes complex and unwieldy when scaled enterprise-wide. Unlike with previous innovations, the sheer scale, scope and reach of AI tools extends beyond traditional software updates to every aspect of the business including customer experience, operational process changes, application enhancements and infrastructure adaptations.

In our August Chief Disruptor Insights with Impact poll, we asked, “Why do organisations struggle to get ROI from technology? The leading barrier was workforce cultural inertia, where resistance to change undermines adoption. Legacy infrastructure, integration complexities, and insufficient data quality further hinder progress. Additionally, the digital skills gap exacerbates these issues, costing the UK economy billions annually. Addressing these gaps requires not only technical upskilling but also fostering critical human skills like adaptability and ethical reasoning to align technology use with strategic goals. Leaders will need to build solid data management foundations and work to overcome the operational silos that inhibit the data sharing required to maximise AI outcomes. 

Join us at our online Breakfast Club discussion on Scaling AI: Beyond Prototype to Enterprise Adoption for Maximum Impact to discuss strategies to tackle some of the biggest challenges to generating ROI from AI deployments.  


8:45 Welcome and introduction

8:50 Fireside chat

  • Evaluating use-cases: which business problems do you want to solve first?
  • What are the different approaches to measuring AI impact?
  • Exploring the data quality issues preventing enterprise wide deployment and ROI?
  • Addressing the human, organisational and architectural barriers to enterprise deployment
  • Creative strategies to tackle the AI talent shortage

09:05 Virtual roundtable discussion

  • Introductory question: What is the status of your AI deployments?
  • What are your future AI ambitions?
  • How well aligned are these current and future initiatives with business objectives?
  • What challenges are you facing when it comes to scaling AI and generating ROI?
  • What changes have you put in place/will you need to put in place in order to overcome these obstacles?

09:45 Next steps and key takeaways 

10.00 Close 


Adam Hardy, Senior Vice President, Head of Commercial Operations, Eversana
Michael Berns, Director, Artificial Intelligence, PwC


This is a private event for Full Members of our community. Membership is free and is open to all those who have a professional or academic interest in business leadership and disruption, or the capability to support our Full Members through their business transformation.